Atlantic Mackeral Management Plan 2021


The Minister has set the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for the Atlantic Mackerel fishery for 2021.

The 2021 TAC for the commercial catch is set at 4,000 tonnes, under a one-year management plan. In order to allow all fleets to have access to the resource and to take into account the temporal migration of mackerel through Canadian waters, the TAC will be divided into two equal parts. The first one announced now will be available at the opening of the fishery. The second will be available later this summer to allow fleets that have access to the resource later in the season to maintain a fishing opportunity.

The February 2021 stock assessment determined that the stock biomass is at a new, historic low and fishing mortality has a significant influence on stock status. This reduction in TAC is a necessary step toward rebuilding the stock.

The temporary freeze on the issuance of new commercial mackerel licences for fixed and mobile gear effective July 27, 2017 will continue. This includes the addition of new gear types to existing commercial licences.

New regulations on Atlantic mackerel recreational fishery will be coming into effect on May 26, 2021.The new regulations will, for the first time, place limits on the number of mackerel being fished, as well as establish opening and closing dates for the recreational fishery. These changes will help further protect the stock.